Via his twitter page last night, Bow Wow announced his signing to Young Money Records! WOW! Many people have mixed views about this collaboration...Pretty much, YOung Money is tryna take over the world... I blogged about this group before...I think they have a pretty good chance at becoming the next rap"crew". . . In my opinion they have many of the hottest artists out right now. . Wayne, Drake, Nicki Minaj..(who has not officially signed with Young Money, but reps them...)etc etc etc. It was rumored that Omarion had also joined the roster.... I am concerned tho, that they need to focus on the artists that they have, before they increase their team...I mean wheres Tyga Tyga? or whats the deal wit Nicki Minaj? When is Drake's album coming out? WHo knows...There's most likely a method to the Young Money Madness... and Im anxious to see!

Here is a video that Bow Wow put out a few weeks ago on his you tube page...hinting to new beginnings... I guess his rhymes will be insane now since he's got the Young Money?Cash Money team behind him. Congrats!



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